Games Policy Summit Report, Malmö 2024

This comprehensive report synthesizes key insights from presentations by industry experts focused on the European games industry at the first-ever Games Policy Summit. It explores critical themes including funding innovation, reforming support systems, and leveraging public funding to foster industry growth. Discussions among presenters and Summit participants also delved into regulatory challenges, policy evolution, and strategic…

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Die Veränderung des Frauenbildes in der deutschen TV-Werbung von 1980 bis 2020

Werbung ist in der heutigen Zeit überall präsent, sei es in den sozialen Medien, im Fernsehen oder auf verschiedenen Anzeigetafeln im öffentlichen Raum. Die Werbung ist ein kraftvolles Instrument zur Vermarktung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen sowie zur Kommunikation von Botschaften und Werten, die unsere Kultur und Gesellschaft prägen. Besonders das Frauenbild in der TV-Werbung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark gewandelt und…

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Mapping of Digital Technology in Supply Chain Sub Functions

This thesis explores the transformative impact of digital technologies on various sub-functions of supply chain management. Through an extensive literature review and multiple case study analyses, Surveys and the study identifies key digital technologies - including IoT, AI, and blockchain - that significantly enhance supply chain operations. The research illustrates how these technologies foster cost efficiency, transparency, and agility,…

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Social media and content marketing In real estate

The research paper explores the global impact of social media and content marketing strategies in the real estate industry, addressing the issue of insufficient understanding of consumer preferences and inclinations. It focuses on the strategies adopted by real estate professionals, the determinants behind marketing success, the influence of marketing initiatives on consumer behaviour, prevailing social media platforms, challenges…

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Venture Capital Investment Across Borders: Comparing Two Sectors

In the era of globalization, cross-border venture capital investment is growing, leading to innovation and economic growth across international borders. This thesis explores the challenges faced by venture capitalists due to cultural and regulatory differences while investing across international borders and compare the trends of cross-border venture capital investment in logistics and healthcare sectors. This study adopts a comprehensive…

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Künstliche Intelligenz zur Planung und Optimierung eines Modeunternehmens

Die sogenannte Industrie 5.0 wird mit der Einführung der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) als Nachfolger der Industrie 4.0 betrachtet. Sie beschreibt die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und intelligenter Maschine und vereint sowohl die Genauigkeit als auch die Geschwindigkeit der industriellen Automatisierung mit der Kreativität, Innovation und kritischen Denkfähigkeit des Menschen. Künstliche Intelligenz ist daher ein bedeutendes Element der…

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Managing Gaming Industry Influencer Marketing Strategies

International Technology Transfer Management Presumably, the influencer marketing is currently at the spearhead of digital marketing strategies, and the gaming industry is experiencing an explosive growth. The amalgamation of these two factors creates an excellent opportunity for businesses to benefit from. This study investigates how businesses should manage their relationship with influencers with the focus on gaming industry…

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In der Innovationsfalle

Überlegungen zu einer zukunftsfähigen Innovationsförderung. Malte Behrmann liefert spannende, verblüffende und unmittelbare Einsichten zu einem problembehafteten Themenkomplex: Innovation in Deutschland. Als Insider schildert er anhand exemplarischer Eindrücke, wie sich die Innovationsstrukturen in Deutschland angesichts der Digitalisierung selbst blockieren. Gerade auch an digitale Immigranten gerichtet, berichtet er von einem…

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Vorbild Asien?

Neue Geschäftsmodelle für Medien und Kommunikation aus Asien für Europa. Technischen Errungenschaften sind wichtige Voraussetzungen für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen. Europa hat in den letzten 20 Jahren diese Innovationen vor allem in einen gemeinsamen Kommunikationsraum „des Westens“ übernommen, denn die Nutzerakzeptanz in Europa orientiert sich an Neuerungen aus den USA. Weniger bekannt ist die Tatsache, dass viele dieser Neuerungen…

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Blockchain Technology as an Instrument for digital marketing

This research aims to explore the role of blockchain technology in digital marketing and its impact on marketing strategies and consumer behaviour. The study focuses on identifying the benefits, challenges, and potential risks associated with the use of blockchain in digital marketing. A qualitative research methodology was adopted for this study, employing expert interviews as the primary data collection method. A total of five blockchain…

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Exploring the part played by fine art in the online world

What are the ways fine art can be incorporated into web design? Websites are quickly replacing other forms of media as people choose them for social interaction, company presentations, commerce, entertainment, and information search. However, we also live in a time when visual arts and symbols are becoming a bigger part of our everyday life. The purpose of this study is to present and discuss why and how such aesthetics play a significant…

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Better Late Than Never: An evaluation of the German Federal Government Computer Games Funding

Globally, Germany is one of the top consumers of video games and yet domestic game developers demand only a 4.2% market share (game e.V., 2021). Recognising this as an issue, the first federal-level funding program for video games in Germany was launched in 2019 with the aim to make the country a more attractive place to develop games and grow the domestic industry in the long run. This study carried out an on-going evaluation of the fund…

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Community Building mit Influencern

In unserer heutigen digitalisierten Welt ist der Aufbau von Communities zu einer Schlüsselkompetenz geworden. Communities definieren nicht nur die Möglichkeiten, in denen wir uns selbst darstellen oder bewegen, sondern sind in einer plattformbasierten Ökonomie auch die entscheidende Größe. Ökonomisch selbstständige Plattformen, die Communities bilden, besitzen vor allem in Bereichen der etablierten Pipeline-Industrien disruptives…

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Role of augmented reality in shaping the german fashion industry during COVID 19

This study highlights how augmented reality has helped in shaping the market of the fashion industry post COVID-19. The study has shown how remote fashion trial concepts have evolved from the use of augmented reality. The COVID 19 pandemic has led to huge fallout in the fashion market. This study also highlights how different stakeholders responded to the scenario of fashion marketing during COVID. The study also highlights the importance…

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Role of art director in film industry

The study focuses on the role of art director in the Indian and German film industries. In the Indian and German fill industries, art directors face multiple challenges and multiple advantages, and their goals are the same. In the film industry, art directors do their job well, mainly focusing on their creativity. However, this study shows that the art director has multiple important responsibilities in the film industry. This research…

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Kritische Reflexion des Spannungsfeldes zwischen Spielern und Mikrotransaktionen – ein empirischer Ansatz

Die Computerspielindustrie ist in den vergangenen Jahren stark gewachsen. Verschiedene Entwickler entwerfen immer wieder neue Spiele aus den unterschiedlichsten Genres. Ein Teil bei der Entwicklung von Computerspielen nimmt indes eine immer stärkere Rolle ein: Mikrotransaktionen. Diese Art der Umsatzgenerierung gilt als sehr umstritten, da den Spielern teilweise ein schnellerer und leichterer Weg zum Sieg suggeriert wird. Das…

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Immobilienmarketing – Die Covid-19 Pandemie als Beschleuniger der Digitalisierung

Das Immobilienmarketing gewinnt im Zuge der Internationalisierung des Marktgeschehens stetig an Bedeutung. Neben beeinflussenden Faktoren wie dem damit einhergehenden Konkurrenzdruck durch die Marktsättigung, stellt die wachsende digitale Komplexität die Unternehmen vor Herausforderungen. Insbesondere die Verwendung zeitgemäßer Kommunikationstechnologien beeinflusst den ‚Markt ohne Grenzen‘. Ansteigende Auswechselbarkeit von…

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Finanzierung von Computerspielproduktionen in Deutschland und Europa mit öffentlicher Förderung

In dieser Studie wird die Entwicklung der Computerspielförderung in Deutschland in den vor der Einführung einer Bundesförderung und in den Jahren 2019 und 2020 untersucht. Zum Vergleich werden Schlaglichter auf die Nachbarländer Frankreich, Vereinigtes Königreich und Polen geworfen. Dabei werden insbesondere Gesichtspunkte untersucht, die für die Antragstellung in Deutschland und für die Evaluation der Programme Bedeutung haben können.…

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Decorative Elements as Monetization & Marketing Strategy in Online Games

This thesis analyses the sale of virtual items in online gaming environments as part of a range of new business models that are tied to the rise of the internet. Based on a deeper understanding of motivating factors that drive players of different games towards their individual purchasing decisions, suitable management decisions can be undertaken. By understanding the needs of the gamers and tailoring marketing and sales efforts…

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Interactive Music writing in the Age of AI: A retrospective analysis and the future for game music.

In this study interactive music writing industry has been evaluated. As the practice of writing music and designing sounds to video games, it’s history and its business dynamics have been researched. Furthermore, the methods of implementing music and sounds into games and their psychological effects on gamers have been studied from literature and past studies, all in order to formulate the question: “Will artificial intelligence disrupt…

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The role of user research in the development of digital products

User research is a discipline that has been present in the study of human behaviours since the beginning of humankind. From creating a spear to hunt a prey, to creating a digital product for sending e-mails. The fact that humans are always creating objects to supply their needs is one of the main characteristics that differentiates human race from other animal species. This research focuses in the study of explaining how can user research…

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Kino und Spiele – Medien in Frankreich und Deutschland

Dieses Buch ist das erste Buch von Malte Behrmann, erschienen 2005. Es erhebt erstmals die für die damalige Zeit noch völlig undenkbare Forderung nach öffentlicher Förderung der Entwicklung von Computerspielen in Deutschland nach französischem Vorbild. Das Buch enthält auch eine frühe Studie zum französischen Fördersystem in dieser Hinsicht. Die Computerspielebranche erzielt seit Jahren bemerkenswert höhere Umsätze als die Filmindustrie.…

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Social/Enviromental Impact of Cultural & Creative Industries: Can they be a Pioneer for ‘Doing Good’?

The purpose of this study is to investigate if the cultural and creative industries in Berlin can be a pioneer for ‘doing good’. In a broader perspective, the study analyzes whether cultural and creative industries take into consideration the social/environmental aspects and how far they integrate these aspects in their business models and management structures. A qualitative research method is designed by combining B Corporation Impact…

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Subscription-Based Gaming – A New Business Model in the Video Game Industry

Evidently, subscription-based distribution is now the de facto method of content consumption for music and TV, and gaming is increasingly embracing the model too. In the present study, the research question to be investigated is, whether subscription-based services for video games are going to revolutionize the video game industry. In the first instance, relevant literature and verified online sources have been reviewed in order to create…

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The chicken or egg problem in platforms: An empirical study in Berlin

Since the development of digital technologies, the platform business model has begun to rise and change the landscape of the market, as more and more companies embrace this approach to business. The main advantage of this approach came from the positive effects created by the interactions of two or more sides of the market (e.g sellers and buyers, producers and consumers), and so the first problem encountered by all platforms is how to…

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The impact of digitisation on working environments.

This thesis analysis the impact of digitisation on work processes and environments in the cultural and creative industries. The aim of this research is to identify the changes that companies need to make in order to stay successful on the disruptive market. The following research question was developed: “Which changes demands the digitisation in terms of working processes and environments from companies in the cultural and creative…

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Reputation as an Important Element of the Corporate Branding An Analysis of Online Reputation Management in the Apparel Industry

The present thesis provides a strategic framework for online reputation management in the fashion industry. Therefore, the essential factors that influence a company’s reputation were taken into consideration and different approaches on how to manage online reputation were compared. After that, two case studies were conducted to analyze online reputation management in practice relating to the apparel sector. The empirical research of the…

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Creative Cities and gentrification: A compared analysis between Berlin and Madrid

The high-speed urban development of contemporary cities forces their inhabitants to the confrontation with severe phenomena of gentrification. In parallel, definitions such as Creative City, raise awareness on the culture-led strategies for urban renewal at the basis of such processes and on the competitive advantage represented by creativity as a commodity for the global economy. Starting from this basis, it is necessary to critically…

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