In the era of globalization, cross-border venture capital investment is growing, leading to innovation and economic growth across international borders. This thesis explores the challenges faced by venture capitalists due to cultural and regulatory differences while investing across international borders and compare the trends of cross-border venture capital investment in logistics and healthcare sectors.
This study adopts a comprehensive research approach integrating both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Through a comprehensive literature review, expert insights, and empirical analysis, the thesis unearths the various cultural differences, regulatory variations, and sector specific intricacies while investing cross-border in logistics and healthcare sectors. The findings of this thesis contribute to the formulation of strategies for a successful cross-border venture capital investment. By understanding the cultural, regulatory, and sector-specific differences investors and entrepreneurs can take the benefit of international collaboration while supporting innovation and economic development.
EditionNo. 23AuthorKrishna DeokarMAMaster Thesis Strategic Management in LogisticsYear2023Download PDFcreativeindustries.berlin