International Technology Transfer Management
Presumably, the influencer marketing is currently at the spearhead of digital marketing strategies, and the gaming industry is experiencing an explosive growth. The amalgamation of these two factors creates an excellent opportunity for businesses to benefit from. This study investigates how businesses should manage their relationship with influencers with the focus on gaming industry influencers. At first, this study conducted a thorough review of relevant literature and reputable online sources to establish a concrete theoretical foundation. Then, a qualitative research design was employed, and the data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the experts who have extensive knowledge and experience in the subject matter to gain deeper insight. Qualitative content analysis was used to identify key themes and patterns. As final outcome, this study highlights specific approaches and segmentation to be utilized for businesses in their relationship with influencers.
EditionNo. 21AuthorAmarbayar BoldMAMaster Thesis International Technology Transfer ManagementYear2023Download PDFcreativeindustries.berlin