This comprehensive report synthesizes key insights from presentations by industry experts focused on the European games industry at the first-ever Games Policy Summit. It explores critical themes including funding innovation, reforming support systems, and leveraging public funding to foster industry growth. Discussions among presenters and Summit participants also delved into regulatory challenges, policy evolution, and strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing innovation and competitiveness within Europe’s games industry.
The report further underscores the importance of collaborative action among stakeholders to address systemic challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. It highlights the dynamic evolution of Europe’s gaming landscape and emphasizes the need for cohesive strategies that align governmental objectives with entrepreneurial dynamics. Overall, the report may serve as a roadmap for policymakers and industry leaders navigating the complexities of the European games industry, fostering resilience, innovation, and sustainable growth.
The authors view that a clear European strategy for the games sector is needed was reinforced by the Summit process. Such a strategy will unleash the full potential of this successful industry, for us to reap its full benefits of exports, jobs, digital growth, innovation and the soft-power reach of European values.
The Summit process generated proposals for 17 actions, mostly related to regulation and a level playing field in global competition, coherent and appropriate funding systems, as well as information gathering and dissemination, especially concerning global markets. The information and communication needs are by our experts regarded as relatively low-cost and not very urgent. The actions regarding new and improved games-centric funding systems are by our experts regarded as needing most of any resources allotted, and that this is also quite urgent.
EditionNo. 27AuthorProf. Dr. Malte BehrmannYear2024Download PDFcreativeindustries.berlin