This thesis analyses the sale of virtual items in online gaming environments as part of a range of new business models that are tied to the rise of the internet. Based on a deeper understanding of motivating factors that drive players of different games towards their individual purchasing decisions, suitable management decisions can be undertaken. By understanding the needs of the gamers and tailoring marketing and sales efforts respectively, a higher level of customer satisfaction can be achieved. Thus, the research question for this thesis can be formulated as:
„What factors influence the decision-making process of gamers when buying purely decorative items in online games?“
Previous research on this relatively new industry is scarce. To ensure a high value of the results, a multi-faceted mixed-method approach will be used, consisting of quantitative surveys as well qualitative interviews, and combining explanatory and exploratory research.
EditionNo. 10AuthorTibor Vito HoffmannMAManagement of Creative IndustriesYear2020Download PDFcreativeindustries.berlin